Adults who stutter seek Speech Therapy support for a number of reasons:

  • It may be that your stuttering is having an impact on your day to day life at this time.

  • You  may feel that the stutter is holding you back and is affecting your personal relationships and professional opportunities.

  • You may have developed a number of negative feelings about your stutter and are avoiding saying certain words or speaking in certain situations. 

  • You may be concerned about how others will respond or what they will think if they hear you stutter.  

  • You may be concerned as you have an interview for a new job, or you want to go on dates with new people, or you have a wedding speech to make.

Whatever your reason, we are here to help.

Does Speech Therapy Treatment for Stuttering work?

Research of studies in adults show that Speech Therapy Treatment for stuttering results in:

  • A rise in confidence and self-esteem

  • A reduction in feelings of anxiety related to speech

  • Reduced avoidance of situations and words 

  • Improvements in speech fluency  (Baxter 2016)   

Therapy is without judgement, and is a positive collaboration. Our aim is that you become your own therapist by giving you the life-long tools to be a confident communicator and to say what you want. 

What happens in Speech Therapy Treatment for Stuttering?

We aim to create a safe space where you feel it is ok to stutter and you feel comfortable to share your thoughts and feelings about your stuttering. 

We want to hear what you have to say - regardless of how you say it or how long it takes.  

There are a number of different Speech Therapy for Stuttering therapy approaches that can help you to reduce the impact of stuttering on your day to day life. We are all individuals, and therefore therapy needs to be bespoke to you, personally, to have the greatest success. 

You and Alison will choose a suitable Stuttering Therapy approach tailored to your individual needs and based on what you hope to gain from therapy.

Aims of Stuttering Therapy typically include:

  • Identification : Increasing your knowledge and understanding of your stuttering and its influencing factors.

  • Desensitization: Supporting you to work on any unhelpful emotions associated with your stuttering such as fear or embarrassment.

  • Modification : Learning techniques that make talking easier.

  • Stabilisation: Focusing on being able to use strategies
    in the real world.  

We draw on a number of different psychological approaches during therapy including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. 

Techniques from these approaches help you work on your thoughts and feelings about stuttering and help to explore the beliefs you have developed about your speaking ability, and about yourself.

Online Private Speech Therapy for Stuttering gives prompt access to a Speech Therapist in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Research shows that Speech Therapy online is as effective as face to face Speech Therapy.  Do not let Stuttering hold you back. 

Using the Telephone and Stuttering

Our Speech Therapy team are Clinical Specialists who understand how difficult it is to live with a stutter. We know it can be hard even to contact a clinic and ask for help. 

During our telephone consultation we want to hear about how we can best support you. There is no need to feel rushed and no need to feel you have to hide your stutter. 

Google Reviews about Stammering Therapy with Alison


This was my first time seeking Speech Therapy as an adult and it truly changed my life. Alison is an attentive, patient and caring therapist and she helped me beyond measure. Would highly recommend to anyone!! - Lauren


Brilliant experience with The Speech Network, Alison is a brilliant Speech Therapist’  - BP


‘Alison is super super helpful, responsive and responsible. She shared a bunch of useful resources with me and helped me to see stammer in a different way. I really appreciate how much she values her client and her work. I do feel we really connected. You really did a good job Alison!’ - Yucho

Job Interviews and Stuttering

Private Online Therapy for stuttering can support you in interview preparation to increase your confidence and allow you to communicate your skills clearly. 

What is Cluttering?

Cluttering is speech that sounds too rapid, or too irregular in its speed. It also encompasses repetitions of certain words, phrases or ‘fillers’, blending together syllables, or irregular pauses that can cause speech to sound ‘jerky’.

What is Interiorised or Covert Stuttering?

Someone with an interiorised or covert stutter typically presents as ‘fluent’ to others - this is because they place a great deal of effort into concealing or hiding their stutter from others. They do this by avoiding words, sounds, certain situations, or people so that they do not stutter.

Is Stuttering caused by Anxiety?

We now know the cause of stuttering is not due to anxiety. Rather, it is regarded as having a neurological cause - differences have been found in areas of the brain involved in talking for those who stutter compared with those who do not stutter.

Oral Exams and Stuttering

Some universities require medical evidence about your stutter, in order to fully support students who stutter in their studies.

Why have I suddenly started Stuttering?

Many people contact us to tell us that they have suddenly started stuttering. It may be that they stuttered as a child but the stutter either resolved or it was not having an impact on their lives. Rather than starting to stutter suddenly, their earlier stuttering may have come back unexpectedly.

Our UK based Private Stuttering Therapists are Clinical Specialists in Stuttering with a minimum of 20 years experience Specialising in Stuttering Treatment.

Book a free 15 minute consultation or email us at to enquire about our reasonable fees for Stuttering Therapy.