Why is my voice so high?

piano keyboard

What causes high pitch voice in males?

During puberty, the male voice breaks and drops an octave. When a High pitch voice persists after puberty in males is called ‘Puberphonia’. Typically, the vocal folds are normal upon examination with a camera (endoscopy) that views the larynx. You may feel that you voice has never broken and lacks power. Your voice may feel effortful and sometimes painful.  You may be able to produce a deep voice but are unable to sustain it for long periods.

Why is my voice so high?

Your larynx is being held high due to inappropriate use. Puberphonia is habitual and can be treated effectively with Voice Therapy. Voice Therapy can also improve your comfort when speaking.

What does Puberphonia sound like?

  • High pitch voice that does not match your age

  • Pitch breaks

  • Difficulty projecting your voice

  • Laryngeal Muscle Tension

How do I get a deep voice?

The results of Online Voice Therapy for Puberphonia are excellent. Puberphonia Treatment is shown to be successful in achieving a deep voice if you have the desire to change your voice. Most people require 6-8 once weekly sessions following an assessment. Voice Therapy for Puberphonia focusing on lowering your pitch, reducing tension and improving projection and stamina.

Our UK based Private Voice Therapists are Clinical Specialists in Voice. Book a free 15 minute consultation or email us at thespeechnetwork@hotmail.com to enquire about our reasonable fees for Voice Therapy.


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