What are voice problems for teachers?
What are the voice problems for teachers?
Up to 70% of teachers can experience voice disorders. This tends to occur due to overuse or misuse of your voice. You may be experiencing throat discomfort, vocal fatigue and hoarseness. In some cases teachers experience vocal nodules. Prolonged voice loss and Voice changes should be investigated and you can request a referral to ENT via your GP. Voice loss can affect your job performance and may cause you to be sick or absent from work as you are unable to teach. Teachers may resign due to voice issues. Your voice is your an important tool and you may need to either have voice therapy to restore your voice or improve your techniques.
Why do teachers lose their voice?
There are many reasons that teachers lose their voice - it can be environmental, psychological, voice misuse and overuse. It can be the way in which you use your voice to project in the classroom. Our UK Voice therapists will help you identify the causal factors and put together a bespoke plan to support you in improving your voice.
How do you take care of your voice as a teacher?
Speak less - take regular breaks.
Use non-verbal techniques to gain attention rather than shouting
Use audio-visual aids where possible
Use amplification where possible
Vocal hygiene to look after your voice.
How can I prevent myself from losing my voice at the end of the day?
Voice coaching can support you with preventative techniques so that you do not lose your voice, feel strain or discomfort. It can also support you with finding your voice as a teacher - to free your voice and speech of habits that impact on your self confidence such as speaking too fast, mumbling, speaking too quietly or unclear pronunciation. Habits are hard to break but Voice & Speech Coaching UK can provide you with strategies to change the way you communicate to be your true self.
Can I have voice therapy with the NHS?
The referral from GP to ENT can be a quick process. Unfortunatly, the wait for NHS voice therapy may take months, which could impact on your work. Our voice therapists are able to see you while you wait for NHS therapy. Voice coaching is not available in the NHS - our Voice Coaches are unique as they are also Clinical Voice Specialists.
Our UK based Private Voice Therapists are Clinical Specialists in Voice with a minimum of 15 years experience Specialising in Voice Therapy. Book a free 15 minute consultation or email us at thespeechnetwork@hotmail.com to enquire about our reasonable fees for Voice Therapy.