What is Speak out! What is Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD)?

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What is Speak Out! ® & Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD) loud for Parkinson’s Disease?

Speak out ! ® and Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT Loud) ® are intensive Speech Therapy treatments for Parkinson’s disease focusing on improving voice and volume. They both have a strong evidence that they are effective treatments. Both are seen as the best Speech Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease. Certification is provided to Speech and Language Therapists following a training program. Our Speech and Language Therapists are certified in both treatment Techniques and have experience of providing these treatments online with effective results.

How can Parkinson’s Disease affect speech?

Parkinson’s disease can cause people to talk quietly, have reduced variation in pitch and a hoarse voice. People with Parkinson’s Disease are often not aware that they are talking quietly - we need to work with you to recaliberate your sensory feedback to raise your awareness of your loudness, improve voice projection and reduce effort in conversation.

What is Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT loud)® for Parkinson’s Disease ?

LSVT loud ® stands for Lee Silverman Voice Technique. It is a technique that improves loudness for people with Parkinson’s disease. Studies have shown it can also be used in a variety of neurological conditions to improve Speech.

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment ® (LSVT Loud) focuses on increasing loudness. Research has also shown improvements in swallowing and articulation. LSVT requires an assessment session, and 12 therapy sessions, at 60 minutes each.

What is Speak Out® for Parkinson’s Disease ?

Speak out! was developed by the Parkinson’s Disease Project. It focuses on producing a stronger, clearer voice. It focuses on the concept of intent and strengthens the muscles used for speaking. Speak out! ® requires 8-10 sessions, at 45 minutes each. It can be easier for people to fit Speak out! ® into their daily life, and it can reduce overall cost of treatment. Speak out! provided a free training workbook for clients.

Once treatment is complete, the Parkinson’s Disease project hold LOUD crowd groups and free Facebook practice sessions. This is important in maintaining the gains in therapy.

We offer both SPEAK OUT!® and LSVT loud ® with certified clinicians

Click on the contact us button to arrange a free consultation or send us an email for more information regarding our reasonable fees for Speech Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease.


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