How do you feminise your Voice ? It's not all about pitch.

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Its not all about pitch

Sometimes the assumption of sounding more feminine is to focus on a higher pitched voice. However, a women’s voice is not only a higher-pitched version of a man’s voice. If we only focus on pitch, it is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the results of your therapy. In order to raise your pitch, we also need to change other aspects of your voice and speech. For natural-sounding speech we need to focus upon your intonation, resonance and other aspects to achieve a natural higher pitch. It’s important that you are able to use a flexible feminine voice that matches your personality and lifestyle, in a variety of situations.

What will happen in Voice Feminisation sessions?

Aside from pitch, we will be focusing upon:

Stress and intonation: Stress is often conveyed by using a higher pitch or louder intensity. Intonation patterns are pitch changes at the sentence level. Subtle differences in intonation patterns might hint at the speakers gender so its important to work on these aspects.

Resonance: Resonance amplifies sound and is often referred as projection in voice. We want to diminish the ‘chest’ sound that is often identified with the male voice.

Articulation: we focus on patterns for vowels and consonants that females produce that can be imitated in MTF voice training.

Volume: We might focus on reducing the loudness of your voice

Therapy is like building blocks – we build your voice together gradually. It takes practice and you will be given bespoke exercises after your sessions. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel.

How much does Voice Feminisation Therapy cost?

If you send us an email we can send your further information about number of sessions required and costs.

We are Clinical Specialists in Voice, Voice Feminisation and Voice Coaching. Feel free to book a free consultation or email us for more information.


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