Catherine has over 15 years Speech Therapy experience working at both NHS and private hospitals including the world-renowned National Hospital for Neurology and Neurodisability, the Regional Rehabilitation Unit specialising in the treatment of complex and severe disabilities and as the Lead Therapist coordinating her team at the nationally recognised 'Best Stroke Unit in England' at Northwick Park Hospital. She is the winner of both the National 2023 Chroma Allied Health Award for Leadership and the 2023 Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Giving Voice Award for her contribution to improving the lives of people with communication and swallowing difficulties.

She trained in stammering at the internationally respected City Literacy Institute, and has worked as a Specialist in Stammering and Voice.

Qualifications and Training

MSc Speech and Language Sciences

Diploma in counselling

Level 3 Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallow (FEES) competent for complex Dysphagia

Level 3 Videofluoroscopy Competent

Tracheostomy Competent

McNeil Dysphagia Therapy competent

Registered MBSIMP clinician

Working with Adults that stammer (City Lit)

Expert Witness trained

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