Alison, our Clinical Specialist Speech Therapist in Stuttering has 30 years’ experience of working in the field of Stuttering. She worked as a Clinical Specialist at The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering in London for 23 years (a centre internationally recognised for its specialist assessment and therapy service for children, teenagers and adults who stutter) and is one of a few Certified European Stuttering Specialists in the UK. 

Does Speech Therapy For Stuttering Work?

Research for Palin PCI has shown :

- A reduction in stuttering

- Children feeling more positive 

- Parents feeling more confident and knowledgable about stuttering. 

Further research is currently being undertaken in older children. 

What Therapy Approach Do You Use?

Alison is trained in the different therapy approaches used by The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering including: 

- Palin Parent-child interaction therapy (Palin PCI) for children under 7 years of age at The Michael Palin Center for Stammering

- Supporting 8–14-year-olds who Stutter at The Michael Palin Center for Stammering

- Working with 15–18-year-olds who Stutter at The Michael Palin Center For Stammering

The overall aim of these therapy approaches is to support children who stammer to be more confident and effective communicators.

How Many Sessions Are Required For Palin PCI?

The therapy is broken up as follows:

- Initial Assessment session 

- Once a week (1 hour sessions) from 6 - 10 weeks. A review session will then follow after a 6 week period

- Follow up sessions as required. 

What Support Do You Provide For Children?

Therapy recommendations are based on assessment findings and are individually tailored based on each child and family’s specific needs. Both parents attend sessions (if it is a two parent family). 

Speech Therapy for Stuttering aims to broadly focus on: 

- Developing you and your child’s knowledge and understanding of stammering

- Increasing your child’s confidence and participation in speaking situations 

- Enhancing communication skills in your family 

- Developing strategies to make talking easier and reducing the struggle associated with speaking 

- Maximising young children’s fluency. 

We may also liaise with your child’s school to increase their knowledge and understanding of stuttering and ensure that the classroom is a stutter friendly environment where your child feels confident to communicate.

Our UK based Private Stuttering Therapists are Clinical Specialists in Stuttering with a minimum of 20 years experience Specialising in Stuttering Treatment.

Book a free 15 minute consultation or email us at to enquire about our reasonable fees for Stuttering Therapy.