These tips will help you get the most out of your Online Zoom Speech Therapy session. It might seem like a lot at first, but it only takes around 15 minutes - and you only have to do it once!
Tip 1
(What you need)
You'll need the following things before you can start Online Zoom Therapy:
- A webcam.
Most newer laptops have a webcam built in. They can be bought for desktop computers fairly cheaply.
- A Zoom account
Your Zoom calls with your Online Speech Therapist won't cost you anything - but first you'll need to set up a free account. Go to to get started.
For Zoom to work well, you need a moderately fast internet connection. It's a good idea to test Zoom on your computer before you have your first Online Therapy session.
Start Zoom on your computer, and then click the little 'cog’ symbol on the front page. This takes you into the settings. The menu bar on the left has options for video and audio - click each of these, and test the quality.
It's also a good idea to call a friend or family member who also uses Zoom to check the quality of the video call.
Tip 2
(Do a test call)
Tip 3
(Prepare your room)
- You need a nice, quiet and confidential environment for therapy.
- You need to be well lit - from in front, rather than behind.
If you're using a laptop try and sit somewhere comfortable, without a strong light source (like a window) directly behind you. Ideally, sit facing a window - then you'll be nice and brightly lit.
If your computer can't be moved and you've got a window behind you, close the curtains and turn a light on in the room. That will put more light on you.
Tip 4
(What happens next)
When you book an appointment, you will be emailed your Zoom link.
At the time of the appointment, click the link - you will be taken to a Zoom waiting room. Your therapist will then accept you into a private Zoom room for your session.
You will need to enable both the audio and video in Zoom. The buttons you need to click for this are located in the bottom left corner of the Zoom screen.
Please remember - you should not record, copy, or in any way capture images relating to the Online Speech Therapy session. It is a criminal offence to record, copy or capture images without consent.