Lisp Catherine Cawley Lisp Catherine Cawley

Can you fix a lisp when you an Adult?

Many people that we see ask us whether its too late to change their speech now they are an Adult. Adults we speak with many have low confidence because of the lisp impacting on meetings, presentations, dating and interviews. It may cause them to avoid some of these situations. Some avoid words with the /s/ sound.

Here we share a personal experience of one of our clients ; of the impact of the lisp and their experience of therapy.

Lisping is very common within adults, with varying levels of severity. Some adults who lisp are very self-conscious about it and it affects their self-esteem and confidence to speak, and impacts on their day to day life. They may place themselves under a great deal of pressure to avoid words involving /s/ and /z/ and may even avoid talking because of it. Many adults are keen to correct their speech in order to feel more confident when speaking both socially and in the workplace.

How to correct a lisp in adults?

Every adult is different, and the process of therapy varies from person to person. Whilst some clients only attend a couple of sessions with an experienced Speech Therapist to learn about how to make the /s/ and /z/ sounds, others attend more sessions in order to generalize their /s/ and /z/ into their everyday speech. The initial session will inform us whether the lisp is due to your anatomy and in some instances, we may need to signpost you to other services for further investigation. Sessions cost 90 per session and most people book 1-3 sessions.

Here we share a personal experience of one of our clients in her 50s; of the impact of the lisp and their experience of therapy:

“Speech and Language Therapy might be seen as a luxury but it really shouldn't be because it's a necessity for many people like me. Communication isn't just about uttering words, but a person's ability to make others hear them and understand them. When you struggle with a lisp problem, even though you know what to say, you don't always have the confidence to speak up. As a child, I never put my hand up in school even though I had the answers because I was afraid the other children would make fun of me, which they did whenever they could to hurt my feelings. I avoided arguing with my siblings because whenever I was right, they'd resort to mimicking my lisp as a way to shut me up. I was a very bright student but I purposely sabotaged myself at some point in High School because teachers wanted me to take the lead too often, and I couldn't face people with my lisp. When it came to choosing my career path, I chose a path where I thought that people wouldn't make fun of me because of the way I pronounce my sss and zzs.

Character and personality always play a central role in personal development. Some people may be fine with a lisp and some others not. If you're someone who is uncomfortable with your lisp, then I recommend that if you're able to afford the cost, you should really reach out to the Speech Network. Alison, my therapist, has given me more than just confidence. She has also given me mind comfort - a safe place where I could simply try and see if I could speak differently. For me, it's really that - a safe place for both my mind and body to feel free to give it a try. So I gave it a try, and now, I can speak and enjoy what I sound like, and most importantly, looking at myself in the mirror, I like the way my face looks when I'm talking and my tongue remains in my mouth when I pronounce S and Z. I'm bilingual so I have to work on both languages at the same time, and I'm truly enjoying the process.”

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dysphonia, LSVT loud, Parkinson's disease, dysarthria Catherine Cawley dysphonia, LSVT loud, Parkinson's disease, dysarthria Catherine Cawley

Speech Therapy for Parkinson's Disease : What is Lee Silverman Voice Treatment UK?

LSVT loud ® stands for Lee Silverman Voice Technique. It is a evidence based Speech and Language Therapy technique that improves loudness for people with Parkinson’s disease.

volume meter for LSVT LOUD

What is Lee Silverman Voice Treatment UK ?

LSVT loud ® stands for Lee Silverman Voice Technique. It is a evidence based Speech and Language Therapy technique that improves loudness for people with Parkinson’s disease. Studies have shown it can also be used in a variety of neurological conditions, such as Stroke, to improve Speech. Speech and Language Therapists are certified after a LSVT loud ® training course and an examination.

How can Parkinson’s Disease affect speech? 

Parkinson’s disease can cause people to talk quietly, have reduced variation in pitch and a hoarse voice. Their speech may sound monotone and lack emotion. People with Parkinson’s Disease are often not aware that they are talking quietly - we need to work with you to recaliberate your sensory feedback to raise your awareness of your loudness, improve voice projection and reduce effort in conversation. Difficulties with volume and clarity can impact on people’s confidence and mood. Our ultimate aim is to improve your volume, speech and confidence - your speech does not need hold you back.

How does Lee Silverman Voice Treatment UK work? 

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment ® (LSVT Loud) focuses on increasing loudness and increasing peoples awareness that they speak too quietly.  It is an intensive individual Speech and Language Therapy Technique.

Lee Silverman Voice Treatment requires an assessment session, and 16 therapy sessions, at 60 minutes each. You will also be given homework to practice outside of sessions.

Research has also shown improvements in swallowing difficulties in Parkinson’s Disease.

Can I do Lee Silverman Voice Treatment UK online? 

Studies show that Lee Silverman Voice Technique is as effective online as face-to-face Therapy.  It is often easier to have Intensive Speech Therapy in the comfort of your own home than in travelling to a clinic. We use zoom which is very user friendly and allows for recordings of your speech for great Biofeedback.

We also offer Speak Out Treatment - this is less sessions (thereby reducing cost) and is shown to be as effective as Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.

Our UK based Private Voice Therapists are Clinical Specialists in Voice & Neurology with a minimum of 15 years experience Specialising in Voice & Neurology Therapy. Book a free 15 minute consultation or email us at to enquire about our reasonable fees for Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT loud ®) .

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What is a cognitive communication disorder?

A cognitive communication disorder is a difficulty with communication caused by cognition rather than language or speech difficulties.

rubix cube puzzle

What is a cognitive communication disorder?

A cognitive communication disorder is a difficulty with communication caused by cognition rather than language or speech difficulties.

What causes a cognitive communication disorder?

Cognitive communication disorders occur due to damage to the brain as a result of a stroke, brain injury or any neurological disorder. It can affect someone’s cognitive processes including attention, memory and reasoning.

How do cognitive difficulties affect communication?

Cognitive difficulties are reflected in a person's communication. They may not be affected by all of the items below but you may recognise elements that you might be able to support with the guidance given.

Attention: A person’s ability to concentrate may be affected by difficulties maintaining attention. This may cause them to miss important information in a conversation.

What can you do to help someone with attention difficulties?

• Reduce distractions such as turning off the radio or television to talk in a quiet environment so they can concentrate.
• One task at a time
• Gain the persons attention before beginning an important conversation
• Give information in shorter chunks .
• Take frequent breaks when tired.

Memory: A person’s ability to remember things that have happened recently (short-term memory) and sometimes longer term. They may repeat information or be unable to recall things that have happened to them earlier in the day.

What can you do to help someone with memory problems?

• It doesn't always help to ask them questions about things that have happened recently – most people find this distressing and it will not help their memory. Give them the information and comfort them.
• Use familiar objects such as photos on your phone or a newspaper to share information together
• Talk about the past if they are able to remember as this is not reliant on short-term memory.
• Ask family and friends to write in a book and this can be used as a conversation starter of who has visited and what you may have talked about together.
• Use memory aids such as a diary and apps on phones for reminders

Reasoning/problem solving skills: A person’s ability to think through and solve a problem may be affected leading them to make poor decisions.

How to help with poor reasoning:

• break down the problem
• brainstorm solutions together
• talk about the positives or negatives of each solution
• pick a solution
• talk about what happened.

It might be that someone is unable to discuss their decisions – and they may be reliant on others to support them in making decisions in their best interest. This often involves an assessment of capacity if it is a big decision about their life. A team of professionals is normally involved in these decisions, with the patient and family.

Other aspects of cognition that are affected:

Insight: A person’s ability to understand their limitations. An example of poor insight might be a person that has a left sided weakness and are at risk of falling but they still think that they can walk by themselves.

Slowed information processing: People might find it difficult to keep up with a conversation and feel overloaded with information.

Impaired social communication skills:
When a person may not recognise ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ ways of communicating with others. This means that they sometimes are seen as rude or passive.

• Turn taking skills: talking over someone, interrupting, talking only about themselves or not starting conversations
• Not understanding body language
• Being sexually explicit or swearing lots.

What can a speech therapist do for cognitive communication disorder?

We assess using cognitive communication assessments and gather information about the person themselves to ensure we are providing patient-centered and motivating therapy to improve the persons communication and support to family members.

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